+336 27 96 06 22 laurette@charentesinflow.fr


In accordance with the Regulations relating to the protection of personal data (GDPR), as a User (Internet users browsing the site, our customers, our commercial partners from whom we distribute commercial offers) you are informed that CHARENTES IN FLOW ( hereinafter “CHARENTES IN FLOW”), in our capacity as data controller, we implement the processing of personal data in the context of the use of our Website.

We are also required to process the data of professionals concerned by the offers that we market on our Site.

For any information regarding our personal data protection policy, contact our data protection officer: Madame Laurette DIDIERE, whose VAT number is FR30981555519, and whose license number ATOUT France IM16240001, at the address following email: laurette@charentesinflow.fr ; by RAR mail addressed to the company CHARENTES IN FLOW for the attention of Madame DIDIERE residing at 4 impasse de la Guirlande, 16200 Mérignac; or by telephone at 06 27 96 06 22.

Suggested text: Our website address is: https://charentesinflow.com.

1. Collection of personal data

1.1 Navigation on the Site, Request for tailor-made quotes and purchase of commercial offers

In this context, CHARENTES IN FLOW collects the following data:

  • connection data: connection logs, IP address;
  • data relating to navigation on the Site: pages viewed, clicks made;
  • geolocation data: city of connection, longitude/latitude if accepted by the Internet user once requested.
  • contact details: first name, last name, email address, telephone number;

1.2 For a professional buyer

In this context, CHARENTES IN FLOW collects the following data:

  • connection data: connection logs, IP address;
  • data relating to navigation on the Site: pages viewed, clicks made;
  • geolocation data: city of connection, longitude/latitude if accepted by the Internet user once requested.
  • contact details: first name, last name, email address, telephone number;
  • RCS number, VAT number, company name of the entity, position of the contact person

1.3 For professionals for whom we market offers

In this context, CHARENTES IN FLOW collects the following data:

  • contact details: first and last name of the natural person, their position within the entity, professional email address, professional telephone number, postal address; contact person with first name and email address,
  • Professional logo
  • RCS number, VAT number

2. Purpose of data processing

We may collect and process your personal data only for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy with your consent.

We may disclose this data to third parties under the conditions provided for in this Privacy Policy, in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act.

We use the data we collect for the following purposes:

2.1 Common processing operations relating to navigation on the Site

The data is collected in particular for:

  • the deposit of cookies in particular to personalize the content of advertisements, optimize the functionalities of the Site, measure the audience of the Site and offer targeted advertisements;
  • Internet user relationship management, in particular:
    • consultation of favorites;
    • research sharing;
  • the management of requests to exercise the rights of data subjects;
  • statistical analysis of data;
  • computer processing (improvement of results and development of new tools).

2.2 Processing requests for tailor-made quotes and purchasing commercial offers on our site

The data is collected in particular for:

  • managing the relationship with our Users:
    • consultation of favorites;
    • research sharing;
    • request for additional information from the User and all communications with the latter.
  • user satisfaction management;
  • claims management;
  • the management of requests to exercise rights from data subjects;
  • commercial prospecting operations among Users for the purposes of advertising our services by e-mail, postal mail, SMS and social networks;

2.3 Treatments for professionals for which we market offers

The data is collected in particular for:

  • putting commercial offers from the professional online;
  • managing the relationship with the professional;
  • management of professional satisfaction and complaints;
  • the management of requests to exercise rights from data subjects;
  • the distribution on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Youtube, Twitter, etc.) of our services with which professionals are associated

2.4 Disclosure to third parties

CHARENTES IN FLOW applies strict authorization measures so that the processed data is only transmitted to people authorized to have access to it internally.

CHARENTES IN FLOW may use technical and commercial service providers to whom the data could be transmitted temporarily and securely:

  • IT service providers, for maintaining their databases and related software and applications;
  • customer relationship managers;
  • marketing agencies for carrying out advertising, marketing and commercial campaigns.

CHARENTES IN FLOW can also transmit User requests to professionals concerned by offers marketed on our Site.

Guarantees have been taken to ensure a sufficient level of protection of the data concerned with regard to the requirements of French and European regulations.

When CHARENTES IN FLOW needs to transfer data outside the European Union, we only do so within the framework of specific contractual provisions and in compliance with the requirements of the competent supervisory authorities, for example, when from a destination country is not considered adequate by the European Commission, through a cross-border flow agreement in accordance with the standard contractual clauses of the European Commission concluded in order to regulate the transfer of data and ensure a sufficient level of protection.

CHARENTES IN FLOW may also share the personal data of Internet users and Users with authorized third parties only if we are forced to do so by virtue of legal obligations or requests from public authorities (e.g. judicial authorities).

In any case, data will never be transmitted to third parties for commercial purposes, nor sold or exchanged, without the express consent of Internet users and Users.

3. Data retention and integrity

3.1 Data retention period

In accordance with the regulations, personal data subject to processing are not kept beyond the time necessary for the execution of the obligations defined at the conclusion of the contract, the predefined duration of the contractual relationship and for the period necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, unless a longer retention period is required by law.

The retention periods are as follows:

  • data collected relating to individual or professional Users, contact forms: 3 years since the last connection or sending of the form;
  • data relating to commercial offers distributed: 3 years from the end of the contract;
  • geolocation data: immediate deletion;
  • documents and accounting documents: 10 years.

The data is kept on a pseudonymized basis for a maximum period of 10 years for statistical purposes.

3.2 Data integrity

For each of the treatments implemented, CHARENTES IN FLOW undertakes to only collect and use data that is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.

CHARENTES IN FLOW ensures that the data is up to date and implements processes to enable the rectification or deletion of inaccurate data.

CHARENTES IN FLOW undertakes not to process so-called sensitive personal data on its Site (racial and ethnic origins, political, philosophical or religious opinions, trade union membership, state of health, genetic and biometric data) or linked to convictions. and criminal offenses.

CHARENTES IN FLOW reminds that the Site is not intended to contain such data as well as the prohibition of entering such sensitive data on the Site.

6. Data security

CHARENTES IN FLOW undertakes to implement all appropriate technical and organizational measures in order to guarantee a level of security adapted to the risks of accidental, unauthorized or illegal access, disclosure, alteration, loss or even destruction of personal data concerning you.

CHARENTES IN FLOW has put in place a procedure and appropriate measures to prevent any fraudulent use of bank details to place an order on the Site. We have entrusted the security of these transactions to STRIPE in order to protect as effectively as possible all sensitive data linked to means of payment and banking details.

In the event that CHARENTES IN FLOW becomes aware of illegal access to personal data concerning you, stored on our servers or those of our service providers, or of unauthorized access resulting in the realization of the risks identified above, CHARENTES IN FLOW undertakes to notify you of the incident as soon as possible, examine the causes of the incident and inform you, take the necessary measures within reason in order to reduce the negative effects and harm that may result. of said incident.

Under no circumstances can the commitments defined above relating to notification in the event of a security incident be assimilated to any recognition of fault or responsibility for the occurrence of the incident in question.

7. Modification of the privacy policy

CHARENTES IN FLOW will notify you before making changes to this Privacy Policy and will allow you to review the modified policy in order to decide whether you wish to continue using CHARENTES IN FLOW's services.

In the event of a material change, a notice will be posted on the Website along with the updated Privacy Policy.

8. Personal rights

  • Right of access: you can obtain confirmation that personal data concerning you are processed or not by CHARENTES IN FLOW when they are, request access to this data as well as information relating to their processing;
  • Right of rectification: you can request the correction of your data when it is incomplete or inaccurate;
  • Right to erasure: under certain circumstances provided for by the applicable provisions, you may request the erasure of your data (unless they are necessary for CHARENTES IN FLOW to comply with its legal or regulatory obligations, establish or exercise its rights or to execution of contractual relations);
  • Right to restriction of processing: you can request the marking of certain data to limit processing in the future;
  • Right to data portability: under certain hypotheses and under certain conditions provided for by the applicable provisions, you can request to receive the data that you have provided to CHARENTES IN FLOW or, when possible, to transfer them to a third party, in a machine-readable form (the right to portability does not apply to processing based on the consent of Users or on the execution of contractual relationships and provided that the processing is carried out using automated processes);
  • Right to withdraw consent: when the processing is based on your consent, you can withdraw it;
  • Right to define guidelines relating to the conservation, erasure or communication of your data after your death;
  • Right of opposition: in certain cases and under certain conditions provided for by the applicable provisions, you can object to the processing of your data.